Bible Faith Global University is a nonprofit Institution, owned, administrated, maintained, and controlled by Bible Faith Global, Inc. which is a nonprofit organization lawfully operating as a private nonprofit religious corporation incorporated in the state of North Carolina conforming to all of the regulations and requirements of the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Bible Faith Global University is determined to remain free from the control of any Federal, State or private agency controlled by the same, that will not allow complete Religious Freedom in our operation, curriculum, and student body. Bible Faith Global University is currently accredited by the Interdenominational Association of Christian Accreditation (IACA) which is an international accrediting association exclusively for religious schools, colleges, universities, institutions, and seminaries. Since there is so much confusion and misinterpretation concerning accreditation Bible
Faith Global University has conducted a thorough investigation with the following results:
Accreditation is found only in the United States of America; all other countries regulate colleges and universities through government approval. In the United States, accreditation is a voluntary process governed by independent accrediting agencies that are either recognized by the federal government or not. The license to operate a college or university is regulated by the state government and is not considered accreditation. Each state has different guidelines concerning universities, seminaries, and bible colleges.
There are six private corporations, referred to as agencies, which provide accreditation for universities within certain regions of the country. These agencies are recognized by the federal government and all colleges accredited by them are listed in a publication produced by the Department of Education. Many excellent colleges and universities have chosen to become regionally accredited, while others of equal standing and reputation have chosen, for Biblical or theological reasons, to remain non-regionally accredited.
Almost 100 different professional accrediting associations such as the American Dental Association, The American Bar Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Home Study Council, have been established to provide accreditation for a particular field of study or professional occupation. Obtaining a regionally or professionally accredited degree is not important to many of the ministers who apply to Bible Faith Global University since most are in church-related or controlled occupations and professions.
Since accreditation is purely voluntary, and since all accrediting agencies are private corporations, a number of agencies have formed to provide recognition in areas where regional or professional accreditation has left gaps. These independent accreditation associations are not government or state controlled. They are not to be confused with the same accrediting associations of colleges or universities approved and listed by the Department of Education. These independent accreditation associations are privately owned, operated, and controlled according to their individualized professional guidelines and objectives.
International Association of Christian Accreditation, (IACA)
(Non-governmental Accreditation in the Spirit of Excellence)
Statement of Purpose
The International Association of Christian Accreditation is an international religious accrediting association whose primary objective is the enhancement and maintenance of bible-based spiritual education, academics, and standards of accountability in private nonprofit organizations, schools, colleges, and theological seminaries. IACA strives to improve the quality and effectiveness of all institutions and organizations of spiritual leadership, Christian development and higher education. IACA also maintains high standards of education and qualifications for association members by ensuring that they meet standards established by the higher education community that address the spiritual and secular needs of society and students. It serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices among the diverse institutions on both local and international levels; and to generally do and perform such other and further acts as a person or corporation is generally permitted to do under the laws of the United States except that the corporation shall do no acts which are not exclusively of a charitable, religious or educational nature as defined in the Internal Revenue Code for 501(c)(3) entities. IACA also accepts applications from other national and international institutions of higher education.
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